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Expand Clinical Services for Children with Autism

Raised toward our $15,000 Goal
242 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on April 10, at 11:59 PM CDT
Project Owners

Expand Clinical Services for Children with Autism

One in 36 children is diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, but the number of children who are able to access services at all or in a timely manner is much lower in Alabama. Many families are referred to our training clinic, AUPSC and CARTT, for diagnostic evaluations, behavioral interventions and support, yet many are unable to pay for services, even at a reduced fee. 

Through your generous donations, funding would continue to support the provision of exceptional and evidence-based services for children with autism, student training and professional development in evidence-based practice, as well as the purchase of materials necessary for training, testing, behavioral interventions, and advocacy through community outreach.

Our goal is to meet the needs of children and families in our community and train graduate students in clinical psychology and applied behavior analysis to provide high quality clinical services to underserved families with children with autism, both in-person and via telehealth. 

More specifically, our goal is to alleviate the financial burden many families face when seeking behavioral intervention, social skills support, caregiver training, and assessment services for their children with autism. We aim to support student training to expand the number of providers in the area to deliver these crucial services to children and families. 


Funds raised in excess of a project’s goal will be used to meet the immediate and emerging needs of said project at the discretion of the sponsoring unit

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Bodda Getta Donor

Rah! Rah! Rah! Show your love for Auburn with a $30 donation.


Track ‘Em Tigers Donor

Track 'Em Tigers! Give 'em $75!


War Eagle Donor

Be fearless and true with a $100 donation!